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The Process of Private Label Omega-3 Manufacturing


A healthy lifestyle is currently in vogue: many people are transitioning to balanced diets, engaging in amateur or professional sports, preferring active leisure, and regularly undergoing medical check-ups.

Unfortunately, the increased interest in a healthy lifestyle has been influenced by negative factors such as deteriorating environmental conditions, chronic illnesses, the COVID-19 pandemic, frequent stress, and the proliferation of low-quality and harmful food products. Consequently, the demand for products that can not only improve overall well-being but also address specific issues related to the functioning of individual organs and systems is growing.

One of the sought-after categories of products is dietary supplements containing omega-3. Omega-3 is fatty acids that are hardly synthesised independently in the body but play a crucial role in the functioning of various systems. Omega-3 deficiency can lead to chronic fatigue, hair loss, depression, liver diseases, joint issues, and heart problems. Therefore, omega-3 manufacturing can assist millions of people in avoiding nutrient deficiency, maintaining good health, and preserving youth and beauty.

Many entrepreneurs understand that such products have significant potential because consumer demand for supplements containing fatty acids is increasing every year. They contemplate creating their brand and developing a business in this field. However, not all novice and experienced entrepreneurs have the opportunity to establish production from scratch—this requires substantial financial investment, time, and effort.

In such cases, company owners are aided by private label omega-3 manufacturing. This is a mutually beneficial, convenient, and effective collaboration model, wherein you can delegate the production of a dietary supplement to a contractor company with the necessary resources. Moreover, you have the opportunity to fully control the process of creating the omega-3 supplement, provide your input, select ingredients, participate in product branding development, and packaging. Consequently, you receive your ready-made private label product with omega-3 content that can be successfully marketed to various target audiences.

We will provide more details about what you need to know before embarking on the production of dietary supplements with omega-3 in this material.

The Importance of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Human Health

Omega-3 fatty acids include three main types of acids: eicosapentaenoic (EPA), docosahexaenoic (DHA), and alpha-linolenic (ALA). Each of them plays a crucial role in maintaining health and well-being. Here is a list of several key beneficial properties associated with omega-3 fatty acids:

  • Cardiovascular Protection. Omega-3 contributes to normalising triglyceride levels and bad cholesterol in the blood, helping reduce the risk of hypertension and many other heart and vascular diseases.
  • Improved Mental Health. Omega-3 deficiency can lead to chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Therefore, consuming these acids is necessary to maintain well-being, alertness, stress resistance, reduce nervousness, and improve sleep quality.
  • Maintaining Good Vision. Omega-3 aids in preventing various eye system diseases, including dry eye syndrome. Sufficient intake of fatty acids helps maintain visual acuity and clarity, especially for individuals prone to systemic eye diseases.
  • Influence on Metabolic Processes. These nutrients are also essential for normalising metabolism. They are often used to combat manifestations of metabolic syndrome, prevent obesity, reduce insulin resistance, lower the risk of developing dyslipidemia, hypercoagulability, and endothelial dysfunction.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties. Polyunsaturated fatty acids have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, which is crucial for preventing autoimmune diseases and chronic disorders of various organs and systems.
  • Positive Effects on Hair and Skin. A sufficient intake of omega-3 in the diet can strengthen hair and nails, stimulate their growth, improve the natural skin barrier, prevent acne, reduce skin dryness, alleviate itching, hyperpigmentation, and symptoms of dermatitis.
  • Enhancing Workout Performance. Omega-3 dietary supplements are frequently consumed by individuals regularly engaging in sports. Fatty acids help maintain heart function during intense physical exertion, enhance endurance and workout performance, optimise metabolism, increase muscle mass growth, and prevent muscle atrophy.

Studying the Process of Omega-3 Dietary Supplement Manufacturing

If you plan to avail the services of private label omega-3 manufacturing, you will gain several significant advantages right away. You will not need to seek investors, build your own factory, purchase equipment, hire employees, and set up all production processes. However, to ensure that the final product is of high quality, safe, and appealing, you should oversee the key stages related to omega-3 manufacturing.

Search for Raw Materials

One of the very first and crucial stages in creating an effective dietary supplement is the search for high-quality raw materials. One of the primary sources of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids is fish oil. To obtain it as raw material, fish fatty tissue is most commonly used. For example, sardines, cod, and salmon are rich in omega-3. In addition to fatty tissue, omega-3 manufacturing can also use fish liver oil, as well as shrimp and other seafood.

If you are creating a supplement based on plant components, suitable raw materials include flaxseed, soybean oil, and various types of seaweed, which are also rich in eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids.

Purification Methods

After obtaining omega-3, special attention should be given to purifying the obtained ingredient. This is necessary to create concentrated omega-3 that will not contain fish scales, sand, bones, and other impurities. Various methods and technological processes can be used for effective purification.

For instance, heat treatment or ultraviolet radiation can help sterilise fatty acids. Deodorization using vacuum or steam is necessary to eliminate unpleasant odours, and refining can not only remove solid particles but also improve the structure of the future dietary supplement. Distillation is often used in private label omega-3 manufacturing, as it also contributes to efficient raw material purification.


Most supplements containing fish oil are typically produced in capsule form. Encapsulation is necessary to package the product, divide it into convenient dosages, and protect the fatty acids in the supplement from harmful environmental influences.

After purifying the raw materials, you need to prepare the capsule shell. Typically, natural gelatin is used for this purpose, but for vegetarian products, the shell of dietary supplements is made from cellulose or seaweed. Encapsulation is carried out using special equipment that helps fill each shell with omega-3 and seal it, ensuring the capsule’s airtightness and product stability.

Quality Control

Producing a safe dietary supplement with omega-3 content is impossible without proper quality control at all production stages. You must ensure that all relevant requirements and regulations are adhered to in private label omega-3 manufacturing. Quality control begins at the raw material search stage, where the supplier must provide documentation confirming the origin and safety of the ingredients.

Production facilities often have laboratories where the obtained raw materials can be tested for contaminants, heavy metals, and other hazardous substances. The quality of the product also depends on the equipment used in omega-3 manufacturing; it must be modern, work properly, and meet safety requirements. During various stages of supplement creation, it is essential to monitor the parameters of technological processes, and before launching mass production, it is imperative to test sample supplements.

Developing Omega-3 Dietary Supplement Formulas

Today, the market offers a wide variety of products containing polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. In a highly competitive environment, manufacturers strive to diversify their range and create more products that meet even the most specific needs of the target audience. This means that you need to develop formulas taking into account consumer preferences and pay special attention to the product’s form.

As a rule, the most common types of dietary supplements with omega-3 are as follows:

Fish Oil Capsules: These are capsules with a gelatin or vegetable shell containing an oily solution with a high concentration of fatty acids. The mechanism of action of omega-3 capsules is quite simple: when they enter the stomach, the capsule shell dissolves, and the active components enter the body directly.

When developing such capsules, it is crucial to accurately calculate the dosage of nutrients and carry out high-quality raw material purification. Taking too large a dose of omega-3 at once can worsen blood clotting and increase the risk of bleeding. Therefore, the packaging of the dietary supplement must clearly indicate the recommended daily dosage.

Liquid Oils: A popular type of product among consumers, as many find it more convenient to consume omega-3 in liquid form. In the production of liquid oils with omega-3 content, a combination of animal and plant ingredients is often used, such as fish oil and flaxseed oil. Consumers can add omega-3 to their food or beverages using special dispensers.

dietary supplements in the form of liquids are also more convenient for children, as omega-3 capsules can sometimes be relatively large. However, the drawback of liquid omega-3 supplements is their relatively short shelf life. Therefore, if you decide to produce the supplement in this form, choose small packaging that allows customers to use the nutrients before the product expires.

Other Forms of Dietary Supplements: The dietary supplement manufacturing industry is continuously evolving, so today, consumers can find omega-3 in various forms on store shelves. For example, gummy candies containing fatty acids are suitable for children.

For vegetarians, it is important that a product does not contain ingredients of animal origin. Therefore, you can use vegetable oils instead of fish oil, and replace the gelatinous casing with cellulose or seaweed. Additionally, omega-3 manufacturing may not be limited to the production of fatty acids alone. Multivitamin complexes are popular in the market, which contain not only omega-3 but also other vital vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and micro- and macro-elements.

When creating your own omega-3 dietary supplement, remember that it is necessary to tailor your product as much as possible to the specific needs, tastes, and preferences of consumers. This way, you can attract the attention of a broad audience, expand your product range, and create a product that will always be in demand among various categories of buyers.

Quality Assurance and Certification in Omega-3 Manufacturing

Quality and safety are the two fundamental criteria that any manufacturer of goods, especially those consumed as food, must adhere to. These factors not only determine the commercial success of a product but also the reputation of the brand, as well as the health and well-being of your consumers.

Therefore, to ensure the highest quality of a dietary supplement, you should take various measures, including obtaining certifications, conducting third-party testing, adhering to purity standards, and utilising sustainable sources.

As for certifications, rules and regulatory documents may vary in different countries. However, in most cases, you will need to obtain an HACCP certificate to market your products – it is mandatory for dietary supplements. This certificate confirms that a food safety management system was used in production.

Consumers also pay attention to the presence of a GMP certificate – it serves as evidence that good manufacturing practices are followed in private label omega-3 manufacturing. The ISO certificate is also important to confirm the safety of the product and the raw materials used in production. In some countries, you may also need to obtain certificates that prove the supplement was produced from organic sources without the use of GMOs.

But not only certificates help ensure the quality of a dietary supplement containing omega-3. It is also considered good practice to conduct third-party testing, during which an independent laboratory checks the raw material sources, the presence of contaminants and hazardous substances in the product, compliance with quality and safety standards, and the purity of the produced omega-3.

In recent years, manufacturers have placed particular emphasis on the use of sustainable sources. For example, in omega 3 manufacturing, where fish oil is often used as raw material, it is important to employ sustainable fishing methods that do not deplete global resources. Many manufacturers are even transitioning to production using solely algae and other plant-based components – such raw materials are considered more environmentally friendly and safe.


As more people are interested in products that help maintain health and beauty, omega-3 has tremendous potential. Therefore, private label omega 3 manufacturing is an excellent way to create a quality product that will be popular with consumers.

To guarantee the quality and safety of such a dietary supplement, it is necessary to use the best raw materials, conduct thorough ingredient purification, adhere to all international requirements and standards, and obtain the appropriate certifications. Also, pay attention to whether your product takes into account the individual needs of consumers – this way, the chances of commercial success for the omega-3 supplement will be much higher.


Sean Jacobson

I'm Sean, a former HR and business consultant providing you insights into the business world for Leader to Leader.

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