6 Ways To Boost Your Online Visibility

Consistent Blog Posts
Writing and posting regular blog posts can increase your visibility due to the consistency and value of the posts. You can develop a following and tie in the latest products, best uses for those products, or anything else you’d like to dive into. You can also generate traffic from someone online searching for information similar to what you’ve constructed on your blog.
Utilize Influencers
Believe it or not, some people have crafted careers from their social media profiles and presence. Obviously, the more followers you have the more “influence” you have, but the number of followers needed to be an influencer varies from company to company. For your own promotional purposes, try to align your company with an influencer who has a following that you think will naturally gravitate towards your products and/or services. You can offer the influencer products or services in exchange for promotion, but some influencers (those with a more substantial following) will want fees for certain types of posts. Promoting through influencers is a great way to increase your brand’s visibility because let’s face it––everyone is on social media!
Social Media
We all know the power of social media by now. We’ve seen how social media platforms can pump up any person or product and make it an overnight success just from the right person reposting it! You should take some time and figure out which social media platform will serve your business the best. The more exposure the better, right? Sure, but the only issue is that it can get a little overwhelming keeping up with all of those posts. You can look into some social media scheduling apps to help yourself keep up. There are some really great free resources out there that can assist you!
Run Ads On Instagram and Facebook
What business owner doesn’t want a targeted ad to be displayed to potential customers all across the world? Instagram and Facebook ads are a great starting point to gain some much-needed attention. You can create the ad, and specify your own target audience or let the algorithm do it for you. These ads are quite inexpensive and even if they don’t hit the purchase button that day, you can see how many people saved your ad! Sure, it might not translate into actual sales at the moment, but it’s a nice way to gauge interest levels in a particular service or product.
Customer Reviews
Did you know that 90% of consumers check reviews for a product or service before purchasing? That’s right, everyone checks reviews as a way of doing a little research before actually buying. This is also a great way to stay in touch with how your customers feel about your product/service. You can install a plugin through WordPress, Shopify, or whatever platform you use to give customers the capability to review the product right on the product page! If you’re creating a stellar product that speaks volumes for itself and the people love it too––it’s only going to boost the sales of that product even more!
Familiarize Yourself With SEO
For some reason, many people are terrified of those three letters––SEO. It’s intricate and detailed for a reason––because it works. If you can teach yourself the basics of SEO you can generate organic traffic to your website through implementing keywords into specific areas of your site. You can also take advantage of some aspects of SEO with your blog postings. Also, depending on your platform, there are some great plugins available that make it simple.
Taking these simple steps to increase your brand’s visibility can boost your sales as well as boost the public’s general knowledge of your business. The best part about it is that you can easily read up on all of this and teach yourself the basics to get going, and once your business starts to gain some traction you can decide whether or not you want to keep it up yourself or outsource some assistance.