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Living a good life


There are two ways to go through life, learn or don’t learn. Of course, the latter is way more expensive, one will go through life without even having experienced a fraction of what it has to offer. I’m an advocate of learning because the more you learn the more you understand how to live.

One can learn how to interact with people, how to make sure that things are happening will continue to happen, one can learn to create systems that motivate people toward action, public speaking and much more. Each time we learn something, it is as if we are pushing our minds to explore further and grow.

Keep Learning

We limit not only ourselves by not learning but we limit others as well. We limit the world around us for ourselves and for our future generations. It is our job to look at our problems and to learn how to solve it.

This is a lesson that is taught to us by great leaders in many areas. The Wright Brothers experimented, tinkered and continued to build. Henry Ford failed several times before he was able to finally launch a successful operation. Others have noted how the many times that they failed are just one way that it wasn’t going to work. Great people in many sectors from business to social movements learned how the world worked and solved problems to bring about something new and a better world.

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Tesla Motors and Elon Musk re-introduced electric cars to the world when no one thought it was possible, they created a whole new vision for electric cars and showed the world that performance and sustainability can be packaged together. They also continue to tinker and provide more technology to where the driver may not even have to drive.

Tesla 3088569 640I plan to increase my skill set and further my studies in business, finance, in the legal profession or in technology. I know that there is a lot left for me to learn, I know that I can make an impact on this world if I choose a field that is growing and will be relevant for a long time. I know that I have the tools and resources around with organizations such as Kaplan and many more who exist to support and help individuals to move forward in their studies and connect them to where they need to go.

People who have inspired me to learn range from the technologists of this era such as Elon Musk, to business people such as Mark Cuban who took the time out and learned and caught on as quickly as he could to make it.

I fully understand that it is my responsibility to keep pushing, learning and growing because the world is counting on more doers, creators and people who will help to build a better tomorrow.

I consider myself to be a definite optimist and so I will work every day to create #AFutureYouCanCountOn.

There is no other option but to learn, grow and create more value for myself and the world around me.