5 Unique Corporate Retreat Ideas

However, running a corporation isn’t something that a person can do by themselves – no matter how smart they are. A leader must make many decisions that are difficult, but at the end of the day, these decisions all are acted out by employees.
Employees make a corporation as powerful and influential in the word as it is. So, if you are looking to reward your employees for their hard work and the dedication to your business and mission here are five unique corporate retreat ideas that you should consider.
And when it comes to transporting your team, a charter bus or school bus rental from Bus.com is the perfect way to get everyone from the office to your destination safely and easily, without anyone getting lost.
# 1 – Workcation Retreat
Now before you get your panty in a bunch lets explain a bit what work cation is because we are sure that the inclusion of work in this name has already turned some of you off. A workcation is a mixture between working and a vocation.
Get ready for this workcation retreat with Sunglasses that are always a great gift for an employee. SmartBuyGlasses is Canada’s most trusted online eyewear retailer, and with one of the largest selections of styles, you’re sure to find your perfect pair of glasses. SmartBuyGlasses has also a 3D Try-on Software, you can try on the glasses you like before the order and see how they look like on your face. Shop from the comfort of your home. SmartBuyGlasses offer you 24-months warranty, FREE shipping and they guarantee you the best price in the market.
Employees don’t have to worry so much about meeting deadlines or having to finish this assignment. The purpose of this retreat is for people to mingle and toss ideas out there. It is meant to improve the productivity as well as bring the team closer together.
# 2 – Food Retreat
Who on earth could not love a food party? Heck who in their right mind could turn down a pizza party? Only those who are crazy or not of this world. A food party may seem somewhat jovial but having a banquet served to your employees cooked and prepared by world-class chefs is a great way to show your appreciation for to your employees.
Nothing says thank you like a nice wonderful warm meal or just a good old slice of pizza; except for Hawaiian pizza. Yeah, we are not a fan of this atrocity.
# 3 – Tug-of-War Retreat
If you are looking to create more of a dynamic or positivity in amongst your team, then we can think of no other renters then a tug of war retreat. Put your employees in a group and let them face off amongst one another or maybe even better get an outside group to taunt your teammates. Nothing brings people closer together then to have a common enemy.
# 4 – Relax & Retreat
Lastly, the creme de la creme – a relax and rest retreat. Rest and relaxation are incredibly crucial for not only the sanctity of one’s mind but for the overall productivity of work. By giving your employees a week at a resort where they will be catered for you allow them to relax and then when they come back from their rest and relaxation vacation they will be that much more productive and diligent with work.
# 5 – Not-for-Profit Retreat
It is a proven fact that in helping others that it does a great deal not only on our emotional health but also on our physical health. Altruism may very well be a panacea and what better way to boost the physical, mental and emotional health of your employees than by having a nonprofit/charity organization.
What is it that you and your company have a passion for and something that you want to change? Find this out, and you will be able to bring your team together for a greater good.
Show Appreciation
Gratitude is such a huge bonus for your corporation and business because your employees will work that much harder and it has been shown and documented that workers would instead be told thank you more than earn more money.